Silver Quintette - "Sinner's Crossroads" [0:00:00]
Harmonizing Four - "I Want To Be Ready" [0:04:20]
Wandering Souls - "Whole World In His Hands" - Wandering Souls of North Caolina [0:06:46]
Five Singing Sons - "On The Highway" [0:11:24]
Rev. and Sis. Wallace and the Sensational Hearts - "I'm Glad Salvation's Free" [0:14:05]
Sensationalaires - "Touched Me" [0:18:59]
Florida Nightingales - "Oh What A Blessing" [0:27:20]
Singing Kings of Joy - "Prayer Changes Things" [0:27:22]
National Travelers - "Look for Me In Glory" [0:33:23]
Five Singing Stars of Columbia, S.C. - "Over in Zion" [0:35:54]
Heavenly Trumpets - "Soul Food" [0:39:10]
Sincere Voices - "Heaven" [0:42:21]
Elder Buford N. Taylor - "He'll Walk With You" [0:44:51]
Prodigal Sons - "I Found The Lord" [0:48:52]
Trumpett Travelers of Savannah, GA. - "Jesus Will Meet Me" [0:51:54]
Fabulous Golden Wings - "It's A Needed Time" [0:55:54]
Publié le par Kevin Nutt and WFMU
(C) 2025 Kevin Nutt and WFMU
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