Silver Quintette - "Sinner's Crossroads" [0:00:00]
Sister Beatrice Adams - "Prayer Changes Things" - Black Gospel Ladies: I Walked Out In Jesus Name, 1947-1970 [0:03:40]
Doris Ackers - "I Found Something" - Black Gospel Ladies: I Walked Out In Jesus Name, 1947-1970 [0:06:32]
Miss Evelyn Tyler and the Tyler Singers - "He Won't Forsake His Own" [0:11:16]
Sensational Hummingbirds - "I Got It" [0:14:02]
Golden Gospel Singers of Decatur, GA - "Jesus Traveled This World Before" [0:15:33]
Wonderful Harmonizers - "All The Way" [0:17:58]
Spiritual Harmonizers - "Jesus Is On The Mainline" [0:20:53]
Pauline Griggs Jackson and Steve Grauberger - "Discussion and singing on metered hymns." [0:26:57]
Royal Jubileers - "Lord Jesus" [0:27:59]
Inez Andrews and the Andrewettes - "Stranger in the City" - Black Gospel Ladies: I Walked Out In Jesus Name, 1947-1970 [0:30:21]
Evangelistic Soul Seekers - "A Few More Days" [0:35:06]
Lovers of God - "We Should Thank The Lord" [0:36:52]
Souls of Calvary - "Take Time Out" [0:40:39]
Holy Providers - "Holy Ghost On My Mind" [0:44:00]
Gospel Warriors - "God Did It" - War On Sin [0:46:31]
Sensational Southerners - "The Blue Print" [0:51:28]
Flint Cavaliers - "Come On In This House" [0:54:27]
Benny Jackson and the Melody Stars - "I Feel The Spirit" [0:58:17]
Publié le par Kevin Nutt and WFMU
(C) 2025 Kevin Nutt and WFMU
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