Tonight on SleepTalker, Magan Magan wanders dark Melbourne streets and finds inspiration for his writing. This episode features three of Magan's poems: ‘The Thin Line of Loneliness’, ‘Waking Up At Night’ and ‘Moon Street’.

Magan’s working on a poetry collection called ‘Writing Shame Away’. Follow him on Twitter at maganmagan9 to find out when it’s released.

A version of this piece was first heard at 'Spend the Night With All the Best', an Audiocraft/All the Best listening party in Sydney. Bec and Magan first met at last year’s National Young Writers’ Festival, where they collaborated on another version of ‘Moon Street’. You can listen to both All the Best episodes at , or search 'All the Best' on iTunes.

The music in this episode is from ‘Swimming With Blue Whales’ by Joseph. Head to for more. Joseph’s donating all the proceeds from Swimming With Blue Whales to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.

Links and past episodes at the SleepTalker website: