On this week’s episode of Snacky Tunes, Greg and Darin Bresnitz are joined in the studio by Carl McCoy, the owner and operator of Gwynnett St. – a real “New York” restaurant on Graham Avenue in Williamsburg. Tune in to hear about Carl’s culinary influences. From barbecue to fine Italian cuisine, Carl has seen all different facets of the food world. Tune in to hear about the seasonal menu at Gwynnett St., and hear about how Carl found his team of chefs for the restaurant. Later, Erika Spring plays live in the studio. Tune in to hear Erika talk about her band Au Revoir Simone, and how they have managed to work without a record label. Erika also talks about her collaboration process, and her past life as a vegetarian. This episode has been brought to you by Hearst Ranch.
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