Welcome to another awesome episode of Snacky Tunes! Greg Bresnitz is still without his brother, but he’s holding it down in the studio with Rae Bernamoff of Mile End Deli. Mile End Deli just finished a cookbook called simply The Mile End Cookbook that includes 100 dishes of traditional Jewish deli food. Hear about the recipe development processes, making deli foods in-house, and the influence of Jewish community traditions on the food and recipes at Mile End. Hear about Mile End’s upcoming Shabbat dinner at City Grit NYC, and their panel called The Future of Jewish Food featuring Gail Simmons, Mitchell Davis, Josh Ozersky, and more! Callers are live in studio playing some of their music and talking about their new record, Reviver. Tune in to hear Greg and Callers talk about album art, and why male chefs love to listen to Shellac in the kitchen. This episode has been sponsored by Tekserve.
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