On this week’s installment of Snacky Tunes, Darin Bresnitz takes over hosting duties as Greg explores France. Darin invites Lauren Cynamon and Chris Rosso of Vice’s VBS into the studio to talk about documentary filmmaking. Find out why Lauren and Chris focus on the subjects that they do, and why creative control leads to an authentic documentary. Hear about some of VBS’s food features, including “Fresh Off the Boat” and “Munchies”. Where are Lauren and Chris headed next in the name of food? Later, Octo Octa comes into the studio to talk about his love for house and techno. Find out more about Octo Octa’s new record, and the sweat and tears that went into its creation. Hear about Octo Octa’s recent stint at the Red Bull Music Academy, and his affinity for disco naps. Thanks to our sponsor, Tekserve.

“Delis don’t sell dog bones and tampons. Delis sell food!” [11:05] — Chris Rosso on Snacky Tunes

“The point is to make content that we’d want to watch ourselves, and not dumb it down to the lowest common denominator.” [13:00] — Lauren Cynamon on Snacky Tunes