#Dickensian Dan Keatis returns this #AlterNativityStories season and so does The #Crimbo Crusader as we take a butchers at #LeeBermejo’s #BatmanNoël an original story told in parallel with #CharlesDickens’ #AChristmasCarol! Join us as we discuss #Batman as #Scrooge, stunning artwork & the constant battle against our own cynicism… #PrepareForPrattle
If you need someone to talk to this difficult time of year please do as dan says and reach out to Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listenSamaritanshttps://www.samaritans.org
Read Lee's interview I reference in the podcast... https://www.mtv.com/news/338qjx/lee-bermejo-talks-batman-noel-exclusive-art
Our last #AlterNativityStories Batman related podcast was on The Outsiders listen here! https://pod.fo/e/bc427
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