With #TheLastKumite being fully funded on #Kickstarter I thought I’d recruit #TheVHSStrikesBack boys #ChrisPhelps & #DaveHorrocks to compare 2 #JCVD films that not only inspired it but feature many of the cast & crew. In the final round of this #Kumite its #Bloodsport V.S. #Kickboxer! Join us as we discuss #FrankDux’s “tall tales”, homoerotism & an uncredited #WinnieThePooh voicing the villains… #PrepareForPrattle
Chris & Dave HAVE in fact covered both Bloodsport https://tinyurl.com/2r24wxkt AND Kickboxer https://tinyurl.com/2fwb5ex5 on their own podcast along with my Patreon picks #Nekromantik https://tinyurl.com/2j2k8osd & #ThePartyAtKittyAndStuds https://tinyurl.com/2hxbbpc6
Please also subscribe to their other podcast #ChrisAndDavesReailtyCast here! https://podfollow.com/cdrealitycast
Here is that Frank Dux documentary #PutUpYourDux on Youtube https://youtu.be/hPbCCOAL9FM
Here is the bout we believe to be the inspiration for Kickboxer https://youtu.be/EgYlQg0SFGM
Be sure to pre-save #DerekEsoteric’s new track too before its release on 26/05/23 https://tinyurl.com/bm8wdjfm
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