You have waited, what feels like centuries for these two FANGtastic guests to reunite! Tonya & Ria of the #FemmeOnCollective return to sink their teeth into these two indie interpretations on the vampire legend. #Byzantium & #OnlyLoversLeftAlive but which film will be laid to rest in another #CloneBores? Listen as we discuss “Vampire Patriarchal Gatekeepers”, the prejudice against gingers & velvety cinematography… #PrepareForPrattle 

Find Ria & Tonya on both @riacarrogan & @mstonyatodd on Instagram & Twitter

Subscribe to Femme On Collective for podcasts that focus on the female gaze...

Listen to me and Ria discuss another vampire film that doesn't use the term "vampire" as we discuss #KathrynBigelow's #NearDark over on Comics In Motion

Then listen Tonya & Ria talk sex, blood & #TomHiddleston again on their Hearts & Vaginas Vol. 1 Podcast!

Be also sure to check out the Sonic Salon, written art, read aloud. Be it poetry, prose and more!

Where to find the Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores Podcast…

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