Happy #LGBTPlusHistoryMonth and today we're talking bears but not those kind of bears! While #CocaineBear approaches cinemas for some more Yayo! Maff is here to BEAR all on these two other #KillerBear Movies #Grizzly1976 & #Prophecy1979 as we compare them in the first #CloneBores of 2023! Join us as we discuss Park Rangers not doing their job, giant tad poles & whether Vietnam Veterans are gifted heavy ordnance after they finish their tour? #PrepareForPrattle
*Apologies are in order as myself & Maff used the previous incorrect term for Indigenous People in this podcast. We were sadly unaware of this change prior to podcasting but we are now both aware and we'll using the correct term in future. Again our apologies to anyone we may have been offended.
Be sure to follow Maff on his Twitter account to keep up to date with his future podcast appearances
Check out some of Maff’s first appearances on Comics in Motion here & here!
And look out for his new show coming soon Star Wars Rebels Reviewed! Check out the trailer here!
You can also watch both of these movies on Youtube right now https://youtu.be/h3GTaK2NEew & https://youtu.be/Mrn3ObP8q9o
And if you not had your fill of #Jawsploitation check out my podcasts on Orca: The Killer Whale & Jaws The Revenge too!
Where to find the Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores Podcast…
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