In this haunting, somewhat fictional account #DianaSpencer’s Christmas in 1991. Megan, Mike & myself find ourselves pulled into one woman’s existential nightmare forced to be part of a system that only sees her as “currency” in #PabloLarrain’s #Spencer2021 starring #KristenStewart as #ThePrincessOfWales in arguably her finest performance. Join us as we discuss #TheCrown, the potential cheapening of LGBTQIA+ love & that yellow pirate outfit… #PrepareForPrattle
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Be sure to check out Mike & Megan’s Patreon https://tinyurl.com/mtwas96t
Listen to Mike & Megan discuss another royal with Ria when they talked about Sophia Coppala’s #MarieAntoinette on #FemmeOn https://tinyurl.com/4hucvfmn
The last time Kristen Stewart appeared on the podcast was when Lucy & Scott defended The Twilight Saga! https://tinyurl.com/2dju3opq
Read this interview with Spencer’s cinematographer Claire Mathon https://tinyurl.com/3w49vmup
Then this one with its Production Designer Guy Hendrix Ryas https://tinyurl.com/mwktd7er
And finally this interview the Costume Designer Jaqueline Durran https://tinyurl.com/35wwf69h
Where to find the Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores Podcast…
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