“The first casualty of war is innocence.” This week’s instalment of #WWIIMonth Angry Andy & I are joined by Max Byrne to discuss #BernhardWicki’s adaptation of #GregorDorfmeister’s novel #TheBridge1959. A story of 7 German boys conscripted into the insane Hitler’s #Volkssturm only to be confronted with the futility of the conflict. Join us as we discuss children being indoctrinated into heinous Nazi ideology, the #Venom symbiote & poor Sigi... #PrepareForPrattle
Check out Max's latest #MandatoryMusic podcast over on #ComicsInMotion co-hosted by former PrattleWorld guests Tony & Dave https://tinyurl.com/4bzky985
Listen to #AngryAndyReviews on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@AngryAndyReviews
And find them both on Twitter https://twitter.com/maxybyrne & https://twitter.com/Andy_Review
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