
Brett Forrest and Warren Strobel join Andrew to discuss reporting intelligence. Brett and Warren are national security reporters for The Wall Street Journal. 

What You’ll Learn


  • The intelligence learning curve 

  • Stories from the front lines of modern conflicts and critical moments 

  • The unique challenges that come with reporting on intelligence, and ...

  • The risks, including being a target of espionage


  • Privacy and protection 

  • The power, and danger, of sharing information

And much, much more …

Episode Notes

This week on SpyCast, Andrew was joined in the studio by Brett Forrest and Warren Strobel, intelligence correspondents at the Wall Street Journal. As SpyCast listeners will know, issues of intelligence and espionage are constantly going on all around us – But how does the public stay in the know and up to date on the latest cases and news from around the world? Well, that's where these two come in. 

Quotes of the Week

“It's about knocking on every possible door that you can imagine, that you can come up with, that you can dig up. And, all you're hoping for is one of those doors to open. You know, you knock on a hundred doors, you get 99 doors to open. You just want that one door to open because that's where the information is. That's where the source is. So, I don't know if I would call that luck, I would call that persistence.” - Brett Forrest




Beginner Resources



  • Spies, Spin and the Fourth Estate, P. Lashmar (EUP, 2021)

  • Spies and the Media in Britain, R. Norton-Taylor (IBT, 2018)

  • Spinning Intelligence, R. Dover and M. Goodman (CUP, 2009)



Primary Sources 

Wildcard Resource

  • Shock and Awe (2017)

  • Starring James Marsden as Warren Strobel! 

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