Des théories sur Rogue, le tournage de Star Wars VIII et ses rumeurs ainsi que l'univers étendu post-Retour du Jedi
Publié le par Marc Loos
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes
Get Real Now ! - Podcast
“Get Real Now!” is an international podcast proje…
“Get Real Now!” is an international podcast project which aims at facilitating an intercultural dialogue among its audiences. A common topic will be discussed in a separate podcast in each participating country and its national language (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, UK and Ukraine). Every few months all podcast hosts come together to record an episode in English exchanging their perspectives.
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The GR80s - 80's Movie Show
The GR80s - the great 80s movie debate podcast features a panelist of movie fanatics born and raised in the 80s. Each episode featured a beloved classic 80s movie. The film is re-watched and reviewed to see if it still holds up today in a lively, entertaining debate. Each episode wraps up with a top 5 list from each panelist on a subject pulled from the movie reviewed. The GR80s - if you're child of the 80s, a fan of classic films, or just a movie geek, you've come to the right place!
The GR80s - the great 80s movie debate podcast features a panelist of movie fanatics born and raised in the 80s. Each episode featured a beloved classic 80s movie. The film is re-watched and reviewed to see if it still holds up today in a lively, entertaining debate. Each episode wraps up with a top 5 list from each panelist on a subject pulled from the movie reviewed. The GR80s - if you're child of the 80s, a fan of classic films, or just a movie geek, you've come to the right place!
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Normandie Livre & Lecture
L’association Normandie Livre & Lecture a pour ob…
L’association Normandie Livre & Lecture a pour objectif de promouvoir le livre et la lecture, d’être une plateforme d’échanges entre les professionnels du livre, de favoriser le travail en réseau des acteurs professionnels du livre, d’être un centre de ressources et un observatoire des métiers du livre, de la lecture et des écritures, de réfléchir et mettre en œuvre aux côtés de la Région et de la DRAC la politique de développement du livre, de la lecture et des écritures sur l’ensemble du territoire normand.
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Surprisingly Awesome
Taking on subjects that appear boring and explaining why they’re actually awesome.
A show that delves into topics that seem mundane, annoying and sometimes downright boring - to reveal that they're surprisingly awesome.
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Sci-Fi Saturday Night
Sci Fi Saturday Night, the Podcast is the web version of the popular New Hampshire based radio show. Our hosts, The Dome, Kriana, and Zombrarian discuss science fiction, science fact, fantasy and whatever else we think is cool, in between celebrity interviews.
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Les Héros de l'Ombre
Podcast by Les Héros de l'Ombre
Podcast by Les Héros de l'Ombre
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