You may have wondered, rightfully so, why The Action Catalyst doesn't have it's own upbeat 80s ballad yet. Well, wonder no more...

T.A.C. is the place to be,

Ignite inspiration, spark creativity,

Top leaders bulldoze through complacency.

Produced by Southwestern Family of Companies.

With Adam Outland, and host supreme in Stephanie Maas, yeah she's a boss.

With the biggest guests, yeah we've got 'em all, let's hear a roll call!

Chip Gaines, Adam Grant, Kris Allen, Stephen Covey, Cal Newport, Dean Koontz, Dave Ramsey, Stedman Graham, governors, senators, Olympians, and more,

Creating impact is what they're here for.

In and out in 30 minutes or less, it's no wonder we've been named as the best.

Subscribe and listen anywhere that you like,

Always growing, there's no end in sight.

T.A.C. is the place to be!