‘The Looming Tower’ on Hulu follows FBI agent Ali Soufan as he tries to prevent an Al Qaeda attack on U.S. soil. The real Soufan says watching an actor play him has been weird, but could have an important payoff: teaching people what led to 9/11 and preventing another attack. Soufan and ‘The Looming Tower’ author Lawrence Wright tell us how they adapted the complicated story for TV.
- Emissions
- The Business
- Author Lawrence Wright & former FBI agent Ali Soufan on 'The Looming Tower'
Publié le par KCRW
KCRW 2024
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The stories behind Europe's most successful clean mobility startups
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KLOE Lighting offers rattan and pendant lights in boho, Modern Organic, and wabi-sabi styles, creating a warm and inviting living space. We are committed to high-quality, artisan-crafted products with sustainable materials and elegant designs.
Website: https://kloelighting.com
Mail: customers@kloelighting.com
Address: 15602 Detroit St, Houston, TX 77017, United States
Phone: (415) 689 8309
Hastags: #kloe, #kloelighting, #kloerattanlights, #kloerattanpendantlight
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Biz Women Rock
Katie Krimitsos is a mother, wife and high achieving woman entrepreneur who is on a mission to support the journeys of female entrepreneurs who want to grow purposeful, productive and profitable businesses. She's a Mastermind Leader, Coach and Business Growth Strategist, and live and online education provider for ambitious women entrepreneurs who want to see results! The Biz Women Rock podcast features interviews with successful business women, live coaching calls, and practical strategies for purposeful growth. We are in this together!
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