Godzilla - "Band 3" - Vol.3

Holy Circle - "Paris" - s/t

Viki Viktoria - "excerpt Side A"

Stiilluppsteypa - "Taking Things A Bit More Serious From Now On" - The immediate part is of no interest to us - 10 years of continuous pointless activities

Coppice - "Snuck Keel" - big wad excisions

Pauline Oliveros - "I of IV (1966)" - New Sounds in Electronic Music

Styrofoam Sanchez - "Coral Pathogen" - Empire Underwater [w. DVD]

Jason Crumer - "Stare At The Devil" - Stare At The devil

Five Starcle Men - "Our House Is Important" - Ghost starbies collected kids

Doc Wör Mirran - "Side A (Excerpt)" - Severe Pig

Group 1850 - "You did it too hard" - Agemo's Trip To Mother Earth

Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - "Making Love To A Vampire On My Knee" - Doc at the Radar Station

Stallone The Reducer - "Drug Pusher" - Drug Pusher

Robert Haigh - "Developing In Blue" - Valentine Out Of Season

Eric Schmid - "Side A (excerpt)" - Scheisse Musik