Water Melon Group - "Gag 2" - Snakeman Show Presents Melon And Exotic Sounds Of Water Melon Group
Perfect Mother - "Ephemeral Pieces" - You'll So No Wit
İlhan Mimaroğlu - "Prelude IX for Magnetic Tape" - Face The Windmills, Turn Left
Les Vampyrettes - "Biomutanten" - Les Vampyrettes 12"
Mar Vista - "Visions part 1 (Her Eyes Are Closed)" - Kiosque D'Orphée (Une Epopée De L'Autoproduction En France - 1973/1991)
Charles Cohen - "UTEP2" - A Retrospective
Stelvio Cipriani - "Blind Man's Arrival" - Blind Man
Kitchen And The Plastic Spoons - "Blätta" - Best Off
Leæther Strip - "Zyklon B" - Retention no.2
Last Days of Humanity - "Slitthered Limbs" - Goresurrection
C. Spencer Yeh, Okkyung Lee, & Lasse Marhaug - "The Mermen of Poetry" - Wake Up Awesome
Curtis Roads - "Now" - Point Line Cloud
Pan Sonic - "Vaihtovirta" - Aaltopiiri
Randy Greif & Dan Burke - "Just Drift Away" - Fragment 56
Publié le par Andy Ortmann and WFMU
(C) 2025 Andy Ortmann and WFMU
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