Ganymed - "Saturn" - Takes You Higher
Michael Dintrich - "Suite siderale; 3 souffles" - N°2 - La Guitare Au-Delà...
Stephen Travis Pope - "Kombination XI: A Ritual Place (Prelude)" - The Virtuosa in the Computer Age III
Moggi - "Abissi Galattici" - Ommagio ad Einstein
Maurice Blackburn - "Blinkity Blank (1955)" - Anthology of Electroacoustic Canadian Music v/a
Rudimentary Peni - "Subdued Violence" - The EPs of RP
Robert Fesler - "CO Atmosphere" - μP RPF78
Enoch Light and the Glittering Guitars - "The Look of Love" - Enoch Light And The Glittering Guitars
Hail & Snail - "Dust Gather On Me" - How to Live With a Tiger
Giuliano Sorgini - "Rhinoceros" - Zoo Folle
Aphex Twin - "Prep Garlek (excerpt)" - Drukqs
Raison D'etre - "Momento Mori" - In The Butchers Backyard v/a
Cows - "Almost a God" - Dope, Guns 'N Fucking In the Streets Volume 1-3
Penny Rimbaud - "27" - Acts of Love
Human Flesh - "Hself Namuh" - Rising From The Red Sand - Volume 4 v/a
Publié le par Andy Ortmann and WFMU
(C) 2025 Andy Ortmann and WFMU
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