Nurse With Wound - "Fine Writin'" - Ød Lot
Donald Erb - "Kyrie" - Metamorphosis V/A
Alistair Macdonald - "Kilim" - Prix Internatinal Noroit-Leonce Petitot 1993 V/A
Doris Hays - "Southern Voices (excerpt)" - Voicings for Tape/ Soprano/ Piano
Un Drame Musical Instantané - "Tunnel Sous La Manche - Under The Channel" - In Fractured Silence V/A
Merzbow - "Uluk Constitution / This Dying Toad Become Forthwith Like Coal For Colour Black" - 抜刀隊 With Memorial Gadgets [Oops... forgot to mention this track.]
Publié le par Andy Ortmann and WFMU
(C) 2025 Andy Ortmann and WFMU
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