On the first of this month Roman Mandeleil and the ether camp team kicked off the first decentralised ethereum based hackathon. It was a tremendous opportunity to see the developer community showcase the ideas that were simmering away behind the scenes. There were a ton of solid entries and hundreds of people active in the ether camp slack. All tolled the event was a roaring success and showed that the grass roots development community is vibrant and active. As a spectator, it felt like we’d watched a the first cricket test match of a long summer.
The next two episodes consist of a series of interviews with some of the people involved. Today, Christian Reitwiessner, Judge and solidity language designer dscusses the language itself; Peter Kolakovic explains his proof of individuality entry etherealand Sebastian Burgel introduces us to Dlab book.

[Note: This episode does not contain a magic word.]

Content: Christian Reitwiessner, Peter Kolakovic, Sebastian Burgel, Arthur Falls

Production and Editing: Arthur Falls

http://kolakovic.net/ etherreal@etherre.al