Grab you shotgun and your thinking caps, because this week, we are devoting the podcast to a thorough discussion of Resident Evil 5
We put in some marathon couch co-op sessions, analyzing everything from
the control scheme to the game's character development.  As we discuss
in the show, Resident Evil 5 quickly became a controversial game in a
number of respects.  The game has sparked debates over everything from
game design to social responsibility, so we take some extra time to
delve into this surprisingly complicated game.  We encourage everyone
to read the show notes for some background on the ethnicity discussion,
as some very smart folks have calmly, patiently, and rationally
explained the issues behind the game's imagery.  These are some charged
topics, but as always, we welcome feedback and discussions.  Feel free
to send us an email or post your thoughts in the comments.Some discussion starters:-
When does a control scheme move from being a "style" to simply being
outdated?  If you have played the game, do you think RE5 crosses this
line?- Resident Evil has always featured arbitrary, yet constant
rules.  To what extent do you appreciate "game-eyness" in your video
games?  What do you think about the "if-then" gameplay we discussed?-
What kind of co-op games most effectively make use of two-player
teamwork: do structured, explicitly-designed two player challenges or
more free-form, player initiated cooperation make for better
cooperation?- What are games' obligations towards social
responsibility?  How can games address complicated issues like race,
class, gender, and politics?To listen to the podcast:

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Show Notes: