Not a mere "Conspiracy Theory," but an actual conspiracy between the government, academia and pharmaceutical companies...

While major pharmaceutical companies and unethical Biolabs are pushing boundaries into dangerous territory in the realm of virology, too many politicians and government agencies are protecting them for campaign dollars. While corrupted members in congress and the judiciary look the other way or complacent in concealing the dangers of their tainted vaccines and dangerous medications, academia protects their own by ruining the carriers of whistleblowers. Specifically, doctors, professors, and professional researchers are severely punished with risks of losing the accreditations for alerting the public by calling attention to ethical misconduct or hidden pathogens in medical products...

Jason Cousineau and Eric Rederking Fisk start the show talking about the shocking news about the article "A GENE-EDITING EXPERIMENT ON HUMAN EMBRYOS WENT HORRIBLY WRONG." Also the controversial book; "Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science" by Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Kent Heckenlively.

Show Notes