Journalist Hussein Kesvani writes a lot about the internet, and about masculinity, and about the intersection of the two. He recently interviewed people about apologies in a piece for The Huffington Post, focusing on men and their understanding of an apology and if many men have been taught how to give one.
He was inspired after Aziz Ansari’s attempt at one with his recent Netflix show ‘Right Now’, which is when we at The Gender Knot also delved into this same question a few weeks ago.
He joins us to explore this further, and we also re-visit Eve Ensler’s book ‘The Apology’ during our conversation.
Check out Hussein's article on men and apologies for the Huffington Post
Hussein Kesvani: journalist, Europe editor at Mel magazine, and author of 'Follow me, Akhi: the online world of British Muslims' - buy it here: and more on Hussein here:
Nastaran Tavakoli-Far and Daniel Carroll
Sam Baker and Jonathan Blackwell
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Music: Government Funded Weed by Black Ant (used under Creative Commons)
Publié le par Nastaran Tavakoli-Far
Copyright Nastaran Tavakoli-Far
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