Many men seem to struggle with expressing their feelings, and with generally dealing with their feelings in the first place. It’s a complaint women often have, but how much truth is there to this? What’s the deal with men and their feelings? Why do so many men struggle, and what can be done about it?

Note: Live show in London on Monday 26th February – get your tickets here

Host and producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-Far

Co-host: Jonathan Freeman

Co-producers: Sam Baker and Jonathan Blackwell

Guests: Rotimi Akinsete, psychotherapist, Director of Wellbeing at the University of Surrey, Founder of Black Men on the Couch

Shad Tembo, early years teacher, leadership team at the Bristol Men in Early Years Network

Sponsor: White and Green – makers of luxury organic bed linen. Get a 15% discount with the promo code: GENDER

Recommended podcast: Burst Your Bubble

**Related links:
The Gender Knot podcast and Facebook Group

Music: Government Funded Weed by Black Ant (used under Creative Commons) 5 Pieces by Black Ant (used under Creative Commons)