Ambitious women get held to tricky double standards; there’s the expectation that they should have the drive and vision of ambitious men but are also expected to ‘be nice’, to care take others and to not threaten men. And women are often harshly judged for many of the more negative downsides to ambition – such as being less considerate of others and demanding your worth – which are either seen as positives or neutral when done by men.

We’re living in an era when there is probably more acceptance of female ambition and championing of women’s potential than ever before. But still, why do we have these impossible double stands for ambitious women?

Note: this is the final episode of Season 2. We will be back with Season 3 on 19th June 2018, and we will also be releasing a few mini-episodes before then.

Host and producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-Far

Co-host: Jonathan Freeman

Co-producers: Sam Baker and Jonathan Blackwell

Guests: Sam Baker, co-producer

Alice, teacher

Related links:

‘Jill Abramson and the wholly sexist narrative of the woman in power’ by Emily Bell, The Guardian

‘Jill Abramson loses the newsroom’ by Dylan Byers, Politico

‘Good Jill, Bad Jill’ by Lloyd Grove, Newsweek

The Gender Knot podcast and Facebook Group

Recommended podcast: A Therapist Walks Into a Bar

Music: Government Funded Weed by Black Ant (used under Creative Commons) 5 Pieces by Black Ant (used under Creative Commons)