Why are so many people around me suddenly joining men’s groups and women’s groups? Isn’t the notion of segregating ourselves due to gender a little… outdated? After all, so many of our social issues are related to us not knowing and being close to people who are different to us and experience the world in a way which we don’t. Don’t women’s groups and men’s groups just reinforce the notion of ‘the other’? And who said gender is so binary anyway?
We delve into whether there is still value in having these groups, and what various individuals have gotten out of them, and also speak to a guest who slated men’s groups on this very podcast, but is now a big fan!
Host: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-Far
Michelle Lim, relationships coach https://www.michellelim.co
Alex Linsley, founded a men’s group while a student
Ankush Jain, life coach and leader of a men’s immersion programme http://ankushjain.co.uk
Alec Molloy, member of a men’s group
Related links:
Tony Porter’s Ted Talk ‘The Man Box’ https://www.ted.com/talks/tonyporteracallto_men
The Gender Knot www.thegenderknot.com
Music: Government Funded Weed by Black Ant (used under Creative Commons) Sourpatch by Glass Boy (used under Creative Commons)
Publié le par Nastaran Tavakoli-Far
Copyright Nastaran Tavakoli-Far
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