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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Reggae Stories Archives - Radio Campus Tours - 99.5 FM
Reggae Stories Archives - Radio Campus Tours - 99.5 FM
Actualités sociales, culturelles et universitaires locales, découvertes musicales, documentaires sonores et ateliers radio.
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Reggae Stories Archives - Radio Campus Tours - 99.5 FM
The TopDollar Hour w/ Tunacan Jones
The TopDollar Hour w/ Tunacan Jones
The TopDollar Hour w/ Tunacan Jones
A delightful mix of power pop, garage rock, hillbilly, no wave, noise rock, twang and plenty of disinformation that will soothe the left elbow.
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The TopDollar Hour w/ Tunacan Jones
Podcasts from www.sablues.org
Podcasts from www.sablues.org
Roots and Blues Podcasts from www.sablues.org
Two podcasts each month featuring recent album releases. BLUES TIME presents its discerning play-list of rich acoustic and electric blues. ROOTS RENDEZVOUS brings you a selection from the genres of roots, alt. country, Americana, folk and indie rock. Presented by Jerome Douvendahns. Produced by David Stoeckel. www.sablues.org podcasting roots and blues music since 2005. Recorded in the Bowen Studio located in beautiful suburban Adelaide, South Australia.
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Podcasts from www.sablues.org
Talk 30 (Rock) To Me
Talk 30 (Rock) To Me
Listen to Kimmie and Kelsey as they talk about their love for 30 ROCK with bits of laughter and maybe just a tiny bit of night cheese.
Listen to Kimmie and Kelsey as they talk about their love for 30 ROCK with bits of laughter and maybe just a tiny bit of night cheese.
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Talk 30 (Rock) To Me
Phantom Tracks
Phantom Tracks
60s & 70s pop - rock with some weirdness
60s and 70s top 40 pop and rock with some Motown and blues mixed in. All done with a campy little twist, all in good fun. In a way, I try to emulate the DJs from the days when AM was king and everyone was larger than life.
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Phantom Tracks
Live from Jorma Kaukonen's Fur Peace Ranch
Live from Jorma Kaukonen's Fur Peace Ranch
Host Jorma Kaukonen introduces each program's featured artist in a series of concerts recorded at the Fur Peace Ranch guitar camp in Meigs County, Ohio. An eclectic blend of performances including blues, folk, Americana, rock, bluegrass, and jazz.
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Live from Jorma Kaukonen's Fur Peace Ranch