On this weeks show, Jackie (@jackiekashian) and Laurie (@anylaurie16) share similar goals. You are invited to do your part and see who gives a shit. Plus, the bananus remains a hot button topic!


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Comic of the Week: Roz Browne @rozbrowne


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Watch the episodes and subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/@Jackie_Kashian


See Laurie on tour: https://lauriekilmartin.com/tour-dates


See Jackie on tour: https://jackiekashian.com/tour-dates Watch ’Lauries special “Cis Woke Grief ”Slut on YouTube:https://bit.ly/3zWwgPA


Watch Laurie's special “Cis Woke Grief ”Slut on Amazon Prime: https://amzn.to/3NpHlMo


Watch ’Jackies special “Looking Back” on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZfwWvgMT70


Follow Laurie on social media: @anylaurie16


Follow Jackie on social media: @jackiekashian


Recorded and Produced by Kyle Clark : @kyleclarkisrad