Jackie is able to fein interest when on other podcasts. Laurie make sure the subtext of current events is noted. Plus, you can watch Jackie do comedy in virtual reality. Subscribe to the podcast, and give it a 5-star rating and review to help the show move up the charts. Video for the episodes is on The Jackie and Laurie YouTube channel!


Producers note: Jackie's mic is hot this episode. We have reduced it and cleaned up the audio as best as possible. 

Comic of the Week: Ashley Lusk @AshleyLuskComedy


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Watch the episodes and subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/@Jackie_Kashian


See Laurie on tour: https://lauriekilmartin.com/tour-dates


See Jackie on tour: https://jackiekashian.com/tour-dates Watch ’Lauries special “Cis Woke Grief ”Slut on YouTube:https://bit.ly/3zWwgPA


Watch Laurie's special “Cis Woke Grief ”Slut on Amazon Prime: https://amzn.to/3NpHlMo


Watch ’Jackies special “Looking Back” on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZfwWvgMT70


Follow Laurie on social media: @anylaurie16


Follow Jackie on social media: @jackiekashian


Recorded and Produced by Kyle Clark : @kyleclarkisrad