The indie song of the summer may well have passed, but there's still a wealth of new music to feast your ears upon this month. This episode, the Noise Pop Team brings you fresh sounds from some promising new acts like Kisses and Elite Gymnastics, balanced with recent releases from reliable indie greats like David Byrne and AC Newman. This well-rounded list suggests a fall full of potential for indie music. Tracklist:1. "I'm Not Talking" -- AC Newman, Shut Down the Streets2. "Rest Your Mind" -- K Flay (feat. Felix Cartal), single3. "Andreja 4 Ever" -- Elite Gymnastics, Adult Swim Singles Program4. "Who" -- David Byrne and St Vincent, Love This Giant5. "Jonathan's Hope" -- WHY?, Mumps, etc.6. "Only In My Dreams" -- Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti, Mature Themes7. "Cheap Beer" -- Fidlar, untitled LP8. "French Lessons" -- Levek, Look a Little Closer 9. "False Astronomy" -- Mister Lies, Hidden Neighbors EP10. "Funny Heartbeat" -- Kisses, single11 Johnny Greenwood - Application 45 Version 1, The Master Original Soundtrack
Publié le par Noise Pop
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