In this brief bonus episode, we discuss some of the movie news that that broke last week. Included are our thoughts on the latest Star Wars and Batman v Superman trailers, the new details for Star Wars Anthology/Rogue One and our thoughts on It Follows.

Find back episodes of the podcast at and let us know what you think of the movie by tweeting us: @ObsessiveViewer@ObsessiveTiny@IAmMikeWhite.

Runtime: 46:27

Direct Download Link:


Show Start - 0:34


Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer - 2:12

Star Wars: Rogue One - 13:17

Ant-Man trailer - 22:38

Batman v Superman teaser - 25:48

M. Night Shyamalan’s The Visit - 32:52

It Follows - 34:39

SPOILERS for It Follows - 37:30


Show Notes


Star Wars Episode VII Teaser #2

Star Wars: Rogue One Details

Ant-Man trailer

Batman v. Superman teaser


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