This week Tom & Zeus review an TV appearance by Gene Simmons & Paul Stanley on FOX News Prime Time show, Hannity & Colmes in 2002.

The guys found an old YouTube clip of when Gene & Paul went on Fox News show, Hannity & Colmes. Gene and Paul went on Hannity & Colmes to promote their new book, "KISS The Early Years" However, the hosts, especially Sean Hannity, had other things on his mind. The quick TV appearance took a turn into a whole different conversation.

The interview was during an interesting time. It was after 9/11 and before the Iraq war and patriotism was definitely in the air.

The guys breakdown the appearance in SIOL fashion.

The guys then rank this KISS TV appearance against the previous KISS TV appearances they have reviewed so far.

Although this was supposed be a serious appearance, tune in to see if the guys can actually talk politics in a civil way and why the guys can't stop laughing!

Hint - check out the thumbnail on social media...

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