Today, host J. Richard Jones is joined by Rick Fawcett, Vice President, Operations ADGA. Richard is retired Colonel who served 34 years in the Canadian Armed Forces before taking on executive roles in the defence industry and joining the ADGA team in September 2020. Founded in 1967, ADGA Group Consultants Inc. is a privately owned and operated Canadian company specializing in Advanced Technology Solutions. In December 2021, ADGA was acquired by Commissionaires Ottawa, converging its capabilities with allied companies to provide a one-stop, full spectrum of cyber, electronic, and physical security solutions. ADGA is also committed to initiatives and policies that contribute to jobs, innovation, and economic growth across Canada. Vanguard asks Rick to explain what and how ADGA delivers for Canada.

Also in this episode:

  • What is ADGA's social mandate?
  • Why is the social mandate important to ADGA and how did it come about?
  • What differentiates ADGA from other companies?
  • How does the social mandate help ADGA when it comes to contracts, both present and future?
  • What does ADGA do for veterans?
  • What should veterans and people leaving the military know about ADGA?