Nick Oliveri of Stöner, Mondo Generator, Dwarves & formerly of Kyuss & QOTSA joins us to discuss his passion for collecting records, playing vinyl, chasing rare pressings, updates on new recordings, tours & more!
Topics include:
- Nick’s making up for lack of touring during Covid
- Stöner 2022 Australian Tour
- Nick’s record collection
- Nick has occasionally sold records
- Obtaining an original 13th Floor Elevators
- Nick is a record nerd, knows the details
- How does Nick care for his records?
- What was Nick’s 1st record?
- What does Nick listen to on an average day?
- What is Nick’s Asteroid Record (final vinyl on Earth)
- Nick and re-issues and boxsets
- Is Nick a completist for some artists? Black Sabbath Born Again
- Collecting multiple copies or certain titles
- Visiting record stores on the road
- What’s the most expensive record Nick ever bought for himself?
- Releasing his music on vinyl is important
- Nick kept a lot of records form his youth
- Does Stöner tour w vinyl on the merch table
- Forming and recording w Stoner
- Playing live w Stöner and other projects / wild shows
- Update on Dwarves new album
- Update on Mondo Generator
- Nick getting Kraftwerk’s autograph
- Interview wrap up
Get tickets for Stöner 2022 Australia, New Zealand tour here
Extended, High-resolution & Commercial Free version of this interview available at:
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If you like records, just starting a collection or are an uber-nerd with a house-full of vinyl, this is the podcast for you. Nate Goyer is The Vinyl Guide and discusses all things music and record-related