Jenifer L. Johnson is a story activist, narrative strategist, writer, speaker and consultant. The essence of her professional life has been to find solutions to complex problems through the construction of new narratives.

Jenifer was born in the United States, holds a combined degree in Philosophy, Political Science and Strategic Communication from the University of Texas and lives in Barcelona, Spain.

She has spent the last decade advising business teams, scientists, political leaders, educators and activist groups on how to craft their ideas into clear stories they can use to effectively connect with others.

Jenifer brings to the table a wealth of international experience that includes working as a lobby strategist in Washington, DC, designing programs for European NGOs, improving strategic processes for independent professionals, and creating action plans with the governments of Spain and Catalunya and advisory councils to the President of the United States. In her work Jenifer draws new and dynamic narrative maps for people and their particular enterprise.

She is the co-founder and author of The Storyboard Method that helps people communicate their ideas with purpose and shared meaning. She is also co-founder of Two Minds & Company, dedicated to offering "new tools for new thinking".

She works in Europe, North America, Africa and soon, Asia, where her book on The Storyboard Method will be published in China en 2021.

Her current mission is to help bring people's visions, words and ideas to life with the mantra of: "Those who shape the stories shape the future".

Selected professional highlights:

Successfully re-structured and re-positioned a leading Washington lobby organization for social legislation.

Collaborated with governments and NGOs in the US and Europe to rethink out-dated narratives and to craft new ones that successfully addressed crisis in public health.

While working as a lobby strategist in Washington DC, she wrote fresh political discourse and mobilized members of Congress that resulted in the passing of billion dollar health legislation.

Designed new communication platform for global skills exchange “The Talking Wall,” which became a permanent component of leading global health meetings.

Participated in strategic planning committees for initiatives in the Catalan and Spanish governments and European Parliament.

Designed and led socio-cultural research projects in the USA and South Africa whose findings culminated in award-winning publications and training for multidisciplinary professionals.

Co-designed and produced a Spanish cultural multimedia project on historical memory, published as "Healing through our stories".

Conducted national training circuit in USA for managerial and directorial professionals on rethinking status quo strategies entitled “Motor of change”.

Published original analysis on trends in government programs, legislation and spending in Washington DC.

Taught post-graduate course on “Institutional paradigm analysis” for an initiative between Central American and Catalan universities as well as courses on Creative Entrepreneurship and Innovation in various European universities.

Bienvenue dans la communauté de l'entreprise de nouvelle génération, le rendez-vous qui vous permet de rencontrer les praticiens du futur du travail, car les pratiques de demain sont déjà parmi nous, au sein d'entreprises pionnières.

L'objectif de ce podcast qui vous est offert par est de partager ces expériences de nouvelles gouvernances et d'innovation managériales. Nous sommes allés à la rencontre d'organisations adaptatives, centrées sur leur raison d'être et nous souhaitons qu'elles vous racontent leurs échecs, leurs challenges mais aussi leurs succès.

Le principe de ce podcast est clair : pas de langue de bois, 0 bullshit et une totale indépendance de ton.

Avant de démarrer nous vous rappelons que le sommet de l'entreprise de nouvelle génération se tiendra les 26 et 27 mars prochains au Centre de conférence Pierre Mendès France du Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances sous le haut patronage de Bruno Le Maire et avec un panel d'intervenants international de haut niveau venant d'une trentaine de pays. Vous pouvez profiter de billets early bird à tarif réduit pour les premiers inscrits seulement. Egalement, si votre entreprise connait une démarche de gouvernance ou de management innovante, nous vous invitons à postuler dès aujourd'hui aux trophées de l'entreprise de nouvelle génération qui seront remis en partenariat avec l'ESSEC, Holaspirit, Manpower, Maif et OCTO Technology. L'adresse du site pour s'inscrire à l'événement et postuler aux trophées :