The show known has TDR Rocks or Totally Driven Radio has been rebooted as The Rock n Ragni show, which still features it’s host former ECW Original Pro Wrestler Bay “Chubby Dudley” Ragni doing his in-depth music interviews.
On this episode, Bay gets to sit down and does a FACEBOOK LIVE Interview with Former Enuff Z’Nuff Frontman…….. Donnie Vie
They discuss……
The major health scare he had a year ago
Him & Chip Z’Nuff talking again and the state of their relationship
His appearance on the new Enuff Z’Nuff album
Will he ever be in Enuff Z’Nuff again
How he has been holding up during the Pandemic
his new single “All of my Favorite Things”, which he performs on acoustic

And more

Watch the interview here

The Rock n Ragni show is heard on Spreaker, iHeartRadio, Spotify, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Deezer, and Podchaser