Le programme de fidélité récompense-t-il réellement le client de sa fidélité ou le pousse-il à faire des achats inutiles, et donc à la surconsommation ? Les Français, qui le plébiscitent, savent-ils quels avantages concrets il leur apporte ? Quels sont les pièges à éviter ? Aïda Mimouni Chaabane, maître de conférences en sciences de gestion à CY, décryptera le fonctionnement du programme de fidélité et ses effets sur le client. Si le programme apporte divers bénéfices, au-delà de la simple économie monétaire, il peut aussi induire des sentiments négatifs : pression, injustice, perte de contrôle de ses informations personnelles. Quelles seraient les solutions pour des pratiques responsables et pour préserver le client et la relation dans la durée ?
- Education
- Université Ouverte
- Le programme de fidélité : bonne affaire ou piège ?
Publié le par universiteouverte@docteo.net (Université de Cergy Pontoise)
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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes
Questions for kindergarten
Questions for kindergarten is a podcast for children in kindergarten. The short content is made for young children and is offered by certified teachers.
Questions for kindergarten is a podcast for children in kindergarten. The short content is made for young children and is offered by certified teachers.
The principle is simple: one question and its answer on each program. The questions are always based upon the programs and are adapted to the children’s level. The questions are always in relation to each field of what a kindergarten learns at school: speaking skills, vocabulary, phonology, mathematics, discovering the world…
Whether it is in the car on your way to school, on a holiday trip, while eating or before going to bed, this podcast “Questions for kindergarten” is the young children and family’s best friend to learn new things or revise what you have already learnt. And it’s always fun!
We hope you will enjoy sharing these warm moments with your families.
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Italian Wine Podcast
Cin Cin with Italian Wine Podcast
The Italian Wine Podcast is a storytelling project dedicated to the fascinating world of Italian wine. New episodes are published every day – so stay tuned! With more grape varieties and more diverse grape growing regions than any other country in the world, the story of Italian wine is a rich and captivating one. While the popularity of Italian wine continues to grow in every corner of the globe, inspired by a deep affection for the Italian way of life, the Italian Wine Podcast seeks to entertain, educate and inform. Embracing Italian food, travel, lifestyle and culture, IWP has something for every taste!
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VivaCrocs is a Crocs store providing consumers with unique items. We have many crocs designs to choose, including for Movies (including, Disney characters, or anime themes), Hobbies, Sports fans (from MLB, NFL, NCAA, NBA),. VivaCrocs always strives to improve its products better and better to bring customers valuable products.
Contact Info with VivaCrocs:
Website: https://vivacrocs.com/
Adress: 30 N Gould St Ste N Sheridan, WY 82801 USA
Phone: +14158512688
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Your Transformation Station
Welcome to "Your Transformation Station", where we embark on a journey of growth and discovery together. I'm your host, Gregory Favazza, aka "The Mosaic Mind", an army veteran and organizational leadership expert with a passion for learning and connecting the dots. Join me as we explore the intricacies of personal and professional development, uncovering hidden insights, and piecing together the mosaic of transformation. Let's dive deep, embrace curiosity, and transform ourselves one episode at a time.
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Worth It! Show: Equipping Christian women to thrive by breaking the cycle of anxiety, fear and shame for good!
Welcome to Worth It!, the podcast where we answer anxiety, deflate fear, and shut down shame. You were made to thrive! My mission is to help you get deeply rooted with God and reclaim your weapon that the enemy of God has been using against you. After going to battle for my own mind 3 years ago, I realized that there is a war going on for our minds. A battle that begins with how we think. Sis, You have much more control than you realize. I'm Michelle Remington, Christian Mindset Coach, Thought Strategist, and Warrior Mama. Grab your sword daughter of The King. It's time to unleash your inner warrior princess! For more encouragement find me here: https://michelleremington.com/https://www.facebook.com/worthitpodhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquadhttps://www.instagram.com/worthitshow/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8y6rPqPHvfTtU_y12jTx8A/
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Cours de Français IV - La lecture
Lisez et écoutez !!!
Ce blogue a été crée à l'intention de rendre la culture francophone plus proche et accessible à mes étudiants, à travers la lecture et la musique.
Mais tout le monde y est le bienvenu, et j'accepterai bien tous les commentaires qui servent à améliorer cet espace.
Merci d'avance à tous.
Et mes plus sincères félicitations aux créateurs de ce site.
C'est fantastique!!!
Présentation de Votre Prof, Juan
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