It's time to dance, listen to good music, and explore one of Pittsburgh's richest art museums! Director of Education and Public Programs at the Carnegie Museum of Art (CMOA), Dana Bishop-Root, and Musical Director of the Mendelssohn Choir, Daniel Singer, spoke about their upcoming collaboration for the next concert of CMOA's Inside Out summer concert series on Saturday, August 17th. Daniel spills details about the program and what the Mendelssohn Choir will be doing this upcoming season. Dana highlights some exhibitions you can see at the CMOA, and why Inside Out is a big part of their programming.
- Emissions
- Voice of the Arts
- Dana Bishop Root and Daniel Singer - Carnegie Museum of Art's Inside Out
Publié le par (WQED Multimedia)
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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes
Brain Fuzz
Art, Music, and Culture
The Brain Fuzz art podcast hosted by artists Joe Camoosa and Matthew White was born of the conversations between two people that both consume and create art. Topics include the creative process, art exhibitions, managing a studio, travel, bands, vinyl record collections, and whatever else might come up. We’ll call that culture.
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Precrease & Collapse
Precrease & Collapse
Each month, I'll receive an artist or someone who changed the origami world for the best. Should you be a creator as well, a compulsive folder or a curious mind, you will have the opportunity to experience their creative process. From confirmed artists to new talents, from all over the world, we will talk about what drives them creatively, about their inside vision of origami. Alongside these interviews, I will entertain you with book reviews, origami spotting and podcasts suggestions.
This podcast is "dead", sorry for the inconvenience. But you still can listen to the old episodes.
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et en direct sur les radios:
Le lundi entre 13H e…
et en direct sur les radios:
Le lundi entre 13H et 14H sur radio Mega 103.7
Le mardi à 17h30 et en rediffusion le samedi à 13h30, sur radio Larzac, 87.8 à Millau et 98.6 à la
Sur Radio Panik à Bruxelles, 105.4, les lundis à midi - à partir du 3 février.
et sur Radio Octopus,
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Escape is the radioshow from the French electronic music band PRIMAL WAKIN.
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Theweekndmerch’s Podcast
The Weeknd Merch offering fans a chance to own a piece of his style and persona, inspired by his music and aesthetic, has become a staple in The Weeknd Fansite.
#Abel #TheWeeknd #TheWeekndmerch #Leapice
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