In 2005, after a long career in family medicine and as Nebraska’s chief medical officer, Dr. Raymond was appointed Under Secretary for Food Safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. For the next 3 years, Dr. Raymond was responsible for overseeing the policies and programs of the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). In semi-retirement now, he writes several blogs on food safety, has consulted with law firms on foodborne illness cases, is a frequent lecturer on food safety and public health, and is a food safety and public health consultant for Elanco, the Animal Health branch of Eli Lilly. Doctor Raymond serves as a Board member of the National Multiple Sclerosis Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, and is engaged in volunteer work with that organization. Tune into this episode of Straight, No Chaser to hear Katy Keiffer talk with Dr. Raymond about antibiotics in the food chain. Find out how Dr. Raymond defines sub-therapeutic antibiotic dosages, and learn how the different chemistry of specific drugs leads to antibiotic resistance. How do resistant bugs develop due to human and animal medicine? Find out on this week’s installment of Straight, No Chaser! Thanks to our sponsor, Cain Vineyard & Winery.

“We’re creating a problem as a human doctors. No one ever talks about over-prescription in human medicine!” [22:45]

“The people who want to eliminate antibiotic use in the meat industry are people who don’t want us to eat meat and poultry!” [24:45]

Dr. Richard Raymond on Straight, No Chaser