Today we are joined by one of the wonderful hosts of the Mission to Zyxx podcast, Moujan Zolfaghari. She stops in to talk about Elisabeth Moss’ new film, The Invisible Man. Moujan also prepared for this podcast by binge-watching The Handmaid’s Tale. So she was ready to go! We also discuss the movie scenes we could recite from memory. And, as always, we’ve got staff picks.

In news, Adèle Haenel walks out of the César Awards, the Coronavirus affects the film industry, and, according to Rian Johnson, Apple doesn’t allow the “bad guy” to use iPhones in movies.

Staff Picks:

Alonso – Safe
Drea – Saint Frances
Joelle – Blood on Her Name
Moujan – The Fall.

With Drea Clark, Alonso Duralde, Joelle Monique, and Moujan Zolfaghari.

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Drea Clark
Alonso Duralde
Ify Nwadiwe

Produced by Marissa Flaxbart
Sr. Producer Laura Swisher