Wild Ideas Worth Living Podcast’s Idea: To interview top athletes, health experts, adventurers, and authors about their wild idea and share them with you.
We are now two years, 97 episodes, and well over a million listens into this podcast. It’s been a wild ride, to say the least. And an incredible one. Thank you for listening and for your support.
It’s been a privilege to interview some of the biggest names in adventure. This year, I’ve enjoyed the theme of exploring how we adventure inside our own heads as much as we adventure outside in the wild.
We’ve talked about how being outside in nature can help us overcome trauma and become healthier, what it’s like seeing the earth from outer space, the changing tides of consumerism, fighting wildfires, gaining financial independence, ultramarathon trail running, becoming sober, facing failure, representation in the outdoors, breaking records, how to surf giant waves, how to face fear, how to build your life resume, and so much more.
In the final episode of 2018, I’m sharing some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned this year from guests and all of you.
Some of the best parts of running this podcast are getting messages about how the show has inspired you to go on an adventure or change your own lifestyle. I hope you enjoy these highlights and I hope you enjoy your holiday. We’d love for you to share with us how this show has benefitted you.
Click SUBSCRIBE wherever you are listening to this and reading this. We’re taking a brief break to sharpen the saw and produce an even bigger show next year. We’ll be back mid-January, and are excited to share what we have with you.
Listen to this episode if:
- You want to hear a fun recap of some highlights from this year.
- You love adventuring.
- You want some inspiration to conquer your goals for next year.
- You are a Wild Ideas Worth Living listener …or
- You want to know what the show is about.
For full show notes, including guest links and books mentioned during the episode, visit: http://wildideasworthliving.com/97