Jesse’s Wild Idea: To encourage people to achieve massive things in their life and focus on what matters most.

Today’s guest eats only fruit until noon. He loves Run-DMC. He wrote the New York Knicks anthem, “Go New York Go,” and he likes to live life out of the box. In his New York Times bestselling book, Living with a Seal, Jesse invited Navy Seal David Goggins to live with him for a month and train him. Years later he wrote Living with Monks, where he lived in a monastery in upstate New York. Both of his books are about learning lessons that others have to teach you, something Jesse is passionate about.

Early in his career, Jesse was a rapper and wrote and performed in the NBA’s Emmy Award-winning “I Love This Game” music campaign. Prior to being a best-selling and hilarious author, he co-founded Marquis Jet, the world's largest private jet card company which he and his partner sold to Berkshire Hathaway/NetJets. Jesse then partnered with Zico coconut water, which he and his partner sold to The Coca-Cola Company.

He is also a serious adventurer, running ultramarathons and launched an event a few years ago called 29,029 that brings “Everesting” to individuals around the country. Today, he’s the owner of the Atlanta Hawks, husband to Spanx founder Sara Blakely, and a father of four kids. His latest online course, called “Build Your Life Resume,” is all about encouraging you to get out there and build a life full of experiences, creating memories, achieving big goals and doing more.

With an infectious energy about him, Jesse has some great insights about how we spend our time, and how we can use this knowledge to live more fully and be more present with those we love. In our conversation, we talk about goal setting, why you have to give in order to get, how to support your partner, why we all need to get real with time, and how to achieve one massive thing every year.

Listen to this episode if: 

  • You like living life on your own terms. 
  • You’re want to set and accomplish big goals.
  • You’ve ever thought of writing a book. 
  • You want to experience some amazing things in your life.

For full show notes, including guest links and books mentioned during the episode, visit: