Caroline Nokes was elected chairman of the House of Commons Women and Equalities Select Committee earlier this year. However, her committee had met just once before the lockdown began. She has since launched an inquiry into the unequal impact of Covid 19. Last week, her committee of MPs sat for the first time online. Today is the deadline for anyone wishing to submit written evidence to that inquiry.

With one of the world’s leading condom manufacturers temporarily stopping production due to coronavirus lockdowns, there are fears over shortages of contraceptives. Jenni talks to Dr Sarah Jarvis about the availability of contraceptives, how to access them and make sure you stay protected.

We’re hearing from women around the world who are making face masks at home for family, friends and, in this case, health workers to wear during the Covid 19 pandemic. Humpheretta is from Liberia; she campaigns for a charity supporting women and girls when she’s not at work in a designer clothes shop.

British Indian cook Asma Khan has only ever employed women in her restaurant kitchen since she founded Darjeeling Express in 2015. Forced to close in March, she tells Jenni how she is looking after her staff now, and what she’s been cooking at home during Ramadan.

The Netflix series Unorthodox tells the story of a teenager who flees her ultra Orthodox Hasidic Jewish community and an arranged marriage in New York, for a new life in Berlin. The four part drama series is inspired by Deborah Feldman’s 2012 autobiography Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots.

Presenter - Jenni Murray Producer – Sarah Crawley Guest – Caroline Nokes MP Guest - Dr Sarah Jarvis Guest – Humpheretta Reid Guest – Asma Khan Guest – Deborah Feldman

Asma's Lockdown recipe - Aloo Bharta - Spicy potato mash

Bengal is the land of bhortas – the Bengali pronunciation of the Hindi word ‘bharta’, which means mashed. There are many variations on this dish. Here I am giving the recipe for two of my favourite versions. One is a mix of fresh, raw ingredients while the other requires a bit of cooking. Either way, Aloo Bharta goes perfectly with dal and rice. If you want to make this dish for more than two people, multiply the quantities given below.

Serves 2

2 large baking potatoes (approximately 500 g/1 lb 2 oz)

For the fresh, raw version 2 tbsp mustard oil, olive oil or argan oil 1⁄2 tsp salt 1 green chilli, finely chopped 1 small shallot or red onion, finely chopped 1 tbsp finely chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves

For the cooked version 2 tbsp mustard oil, olive oil or argan oil 1⁄2 tsp salt 1 dried red chilli, broken into small pieces 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced 1 small shallot or red onion, finely chopped Small handful of coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish

Cook the potatoes by either baking or boiling them using your preferred method. While the potatoes are still warm but cool enough to handle, remove their skins. In a bowl, mash the potatoes until smooth, using a masher or fork.

To make the fresh, raw version, simply add all the other ingredients to the mashed potato and mix. Serve at room temperature.

To make the cooked version, in a frying pan (skillet), heat the oil, add all the other ingredients, except the coriander leaves, and fry until brown. Add the warm fried onion mixture to the mashed potatoes and mix. Serve at room temperature with a few fresh coriander leaves scattered over the top.

(Recipe originally printed in Asma's Indian Kitchen)