The ladies of the Posh Club Dance Club on what it means to them to be able to perform the dance of the flamingos, shimmy to dancehall music and feel like stars.

Volunteering reached a record high during the pandemic. According to a government survey, 62% of respondents volunteered last year. Thousands volunteer for Crisis, a national charity for homeless people whose Crisis at Christmas campaign provides accommodation and support for people at Christmas. We hear from Jemma Kelehe, a shift leader at the women’s accommodation in London, who has volunteered for Crisis at Christmas for 20 years.

Civil Chartered Engineer, Era Shah, talks about the lack of diversity in STEM.

Vox Duo soprano Karla Grant and mezzo soprano Julia Solomon tell us about their debut single a new version of “O’ Holy Night”, in collaboration with classical group the Earthtones Trio.

Plus ahead of new BBC2 programme A Musical Family Christmas, we're joined by author and lecturer Kadiatu Kanneh-Mason to discuss her favourite Christmas songs and raising seven talented musicians.

And the woman who's re-created the film The Holiday to see if she could find love.

Presenter Chloe Tilley Producer Beverley Purcell