The *ALL NEW* 'Where The Action Is' debuts with Josh Armour & The WRA ALL-STARS: Josh Shooter, Beej & The Dude, & Todd Eastman. Topics include: Who should play Vince McMahon in the WWE Films bio pic? Shooter recaps Aussie All Pro's 'Road To HoH show'.
Wrestling events held in theaters.
Demi Bennett's send-off at RCW. Todd talks Queensland wrestling. Beej & Dude talk EPW Perth. ECW. Also, Beej attends an "alfresco" wrestling event. ...and the latest from Melbourne City Wrestling, Riot City Wrestling, AWA thoughts on the upcoming House Of Hardcore Australian Tour in June, and plenty more in a fun 2 HOUR PODCAST. ENJOY! Recorded Thursday April 27th 2017,.
Twitter - @WrestleRadioAU @JoshJDArmour @BeastEastman @JoshuaShooter @IamBeej316 @IamTheDude316 Hear WRA, Drawing Heat, HeelingOut & AxeCast at Subscribe on iTunes, follow on iHeart Radio, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio... it's FREE.
- Theme song 'Where The Action Is' by @Thunderstag
- Cover art by Wrestlemerch Printing