Josh Armour and Todd Eastman flap their gums about another crazy week in the world of pro wrestling including:Team Eastman losing the RCW Title, CM Punk signing with UFC, ROH Final Battle in review, and they dip into the WRA Mailbag. Todd rants about The New Day, Josh laments Charlotte's RAW debut, AND our resident ranga FANTASY-BOOKS WWE TLC. FROM SCRATCH! ALSO New Jersey's Chay Lopez is here with The Chay-Lites, and there's plenty more! 

A fun show as always so check it out! 

@WrestleRadioAU @FNXNetwork @JoshJDArmour @BeastEastman @TheChayLopez

---Our catalogue of WRA interviews PLUS the Paul Levesque NXT conference call, are on our YouTube channel ---NEW iTUNES LINK  

---STITCHER remains the same 

- THEME SONG 'Here's Where The Action Is' by Thunderstag. - Main logo by Dane Davies