So many entrepreneurs know that they have what it takes to make a difference. The talent, drive and desire is there but something always seems to hold them back from becoming their best selves.

Author and speaker Todd Herman takes the Youpreneur Summit stage to help unlock the hero inside as he dives into the Alter Ego effect and the science behind why this is such a powerful strategy.

One of my favorite examples Todd shared during his talk was Winston Churchill who used to stand in front of a wall of hats and he would ask himself, “which self should I be today”. It was this kind of mindset of using an alter ego that helped him lead his country to victory and what so many other top-performers have used as well.

Todd also shares how we develop our own identities, which creates our results and the process you can use so you can experience what you’re truly capable of. 

Essential Learning Points From This Episode:

  • How we create our identities and the science behind why it’s so powerful.
  • Why and how people get trapped when trying to excel.
  • The process you can use so you can experience what you are capable of.
  • How you can decide how to show up on the field.
  • Much, much more!

Important Links & Mentions from this Episode:

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