Medium 81468c80f7b96c5c29a7988c7cfc412d643d3661

Snap Chat

Kevin Heffernan and Steve Lemme
Kevin & Steve are not talking about the app, they're having a chat about good old fashioned "snapping"... aka getting pissed off.  They share stories of snapping in...
Medium a86d6a052e573079c0b2eb7ead13bb51663c321c

Subpressure Chat

Talk The Ska Radio Podcast
Flux : Talk The Ska
...time around we are talking with rising French reggae band, Subpressure. Join Mattie as they chat with Frédérick about the bands upcoming plans, influences, and how finances may be tight but...
Medium 41e3511ec3219f0817f8d2d5a8b175fcde012f09

Group Chat

shmannerscast@gmail.com (Travis McElroy)
Flux : Shmanners
Hello Internet! This week’s episode is all about GROUP CHATS and how to navigate talking with friends, acquaintances, and strangers alike! Enjoy and be sure...
Medium 46b6d5f6621bd1c74ed51b191ce57c8887f28dc3

AEE 2009: How to Chat About Chat GPT in English

Lindsay McMahon and Michelle Kaplan
Medium 3ccfdf386932c3e2b167d2ecdd81601dba6c2f9f

A2G197 - Van Chat

AXE TO GRIND PODCAST & Sound Talent Media
Medium 617faf49fb548b8eebd8a080ab384fa23246a428

Wonderful! 148: Gak Chat

wonderfulpodcast@gmail.com (Rachel McElroy, Griffin McElroy)
Flux : Wonderful!
Medium b0d3c118db84d99460b69645000cbffb572b8960

Episode 0 Chat 🚀

Martin Johnston
Medium b0d3c118db84d99460b69645000cbffb572b8960

FV9: General Chit-Chat

Martin Johnston
...‘official’ episode of RnR English FULL VOLUME we thought we would just have a general chit-chat about how things are going. Remember though… this was recorded on Thursday last week and...
Medium 1559b409501e348b42d20e11892b841fa5b7656d

Chat: 2020 Year End

Adam Gordon Bell
Medium b0bd28637632bd8a1ceae5941ff08788d2c3371f
Flux : Sci-Fi Talk
...language, Paul Wesley talks Kirk and Uhura connecting. All this and more on this Trek Chats on Sci-Fi Talk. Subscribe to Sci-Fi Talk Plus 
Medium b0bd28637632bd8a1ceae5941ff08788d2c3371f
Flux : Sci-Fi Talk
Medium b0bd28637632bd8a1ceae5941ff08788d2c3371f
Flux : Sci-Fi Talk
Medium dd1489dd5d080dde784e6fa7a94ae8d54b2e5e08

A chat with Henry.

info@compassmedianetworks.com (Compass Media Networks)
Paula chats with her Grandson Henry about all the goodies he received for Christmas, and how many...
Medium 7957a82ac4a668e2c7fa968193d3c2c0acee1586
Flux : TechStuff
Medium 231eeaa4468e3a5ff9cace254ece20cd3cd87e5c

Time for an IRC Chat

Flux : TechStuff
What is Internet Relay Chat? How does IRC work and what does it do? TechStuff looks at this legacy chat...
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