Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c

Battlestar Brothel #002

The Rancor's Brothel
It's time again for Battlestar Brothel! Watch episode #2 of Battlestar Galactica (The second half of the initial miniseries) and...
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c

Battlestar Brothel: #001

The Rancor's Brothel
...of the Rancor's Brothel!!! Every week, Matt and Dustin will be watching an episode of Battlestar Galactica and discussing the episode. Neither have watched the show before so it leads to some...
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c

Battlestar Brothel #4.16-18

The Rancor's Brothel
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c

Battlestar Brothel #4.13-15

The Rancor's Brothel
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c

Battlestar Brothel #4.08-4.09

The Rancor's Brothel
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c

Battlestar Brothel #4.6-7

The Rancor's Brothel
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c

Battlestar Brothel 4.1-4.2

The Rancor's Brothel
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c

Battlestar Brothel #0: Razor

The Rancor's Brothel
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c

Battlestar Brothel 3.08: Hero

The Rancor's Brothel
...golden musings of three pod gods. We'll thrill you with delight and fill you with Battlestar knowledge to be bested by no mortal man. 
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c

Battlestar Brothel #3.06 Torn

The Rancor's Brothel
The Brothel crew reviews another episode of Battlestar Galactica. We certainly learning someting about their control.
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c
...such topics as ethical conundrums, jazz pianos, and Matt's gaseous bowles. Oh, and there's some Battlestar Galactica mixed in there too...
Medium 5be566ebd4e36c05a9dcb6b65116e1a64b530b5c
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